ServicePRO Web Support Portal - Messages
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In ServicePRO, Messages work similarly to emails, allowing users to send documents and information via text memos. Users can send and receive Messages using this module, which can be accessed in ServicePRO in several ways:Side Bar
Messages can be viewed by selecting the option from the left Side Bar.

Recent Quick Messages Widget
By default, the Recent Quick Messages widget is the rightmost widget underneath the Recent Requests widget.

Messages, Alerts and Reminders Pane
When the Messages module is accessed, Users can choose to view a list of Messages from the listing.Users may also choose to filter between Messages, Alerts and Reminders in the left pane.
Selecting a Message item will allow Users to view associated information with that Message on the right preview pane.

Messages Pane Display
The 10 latest Quick Messages will be displayed, with an option to ‘Reply’ to the message directly.
Each Line Item features:
- The Avatar of the sender
- The Subject of the Quick Message thread
- The date for when the QM was sent
- The Quick Message’s content, which includes the body, and the current message
- Images will be scaled down to accommodate the window pane; on mobile devices, images will not be shown
- To view the next 10 messages, Users can navigate between pages using the navigational arrow icons at the bottom of the pane.

Preview Pane – Details, Properties, Documents
Selected messages can be previewed from the right pane on the Messages page.Users can choose to view the message contents in three tabs:
Detail Tab
In the Details tab, Users can add updates via memos and view the activity stream for that message’s associated request. Updates and Activity Stream can be accessed by opening their respective panes below the Message.

Users may update requests directly from the Message interface pane. Selecting the Updates bar will drop open a Memo field.

Activity Stream
View the Activity Stream of the associated request. Users can also search and filter Activity Items with the following criteria:
- Specific text in the Activity Stream
- Filter by Type of Activity – Rules, Emails, Attachments, Quick Messages, Meetings, Appointments, Chat logs, Memos, and Reminders
- Filter by Author of the Activity Item

Properties Tab
In the Properties tab, users can view and edit the following fields:- Folder – The Folder or queue listing for the request
- Type – The Type of Service Request (i.e. Service Request, Purchase Request)
- Title – The Request title
- Category – The Category for the request
- Due By – The Due Date; ASAP or a designated date and time
- Urgency – The Urgency: Low, Medium, High or Critical
- Closed – Whether the request is closed or open; the circle here can be used to toggle the closed status on/off
- Asset – Any associated assets are listed here

Documents Tab
The documents tab will display associated Documents with the Message’s Service Request. This pane features:- Binders – Acts as folders for categorizing documents.
- Documents List – View all attached documents for the request. Includes information on filename, extension, date modified, and file size. Documents can be sorted using the arrow icon in the header of the list.

Header Icons
In the header of the right Preview pane, three icons can be used to refresh, print and save changes made to Requests.